Goals for Future Insect Groups
1. Contact Greg Schwartz and Rincon Vitova Insectaries. They should be able to answer questions, provide mentorship, and may have advice on funding sources. Their contact info is in the resources tab and the background tab.
2. Build a mealworm production farm using the designs we came up with under the design tab.
3. Contact Polyponics and work collaboratively to revive the Black Soldier Fly project at the student experimental farm.
4. Compare growth and production over the course of at least 1 quarter.
5. Critique and revise the structure designs to make them more cost-effective, productive, and easy to use.
6. Reach out to organizations working in Uganda or similar areas. Try Peter Keller with Aid Africa. His Contact info is in the resources tab and the background tab.
7. Work collaboratively to establish insect farms abroad for either poultry or human consumption depending on what research has been published on the biosecurity risks of consuming insects under the proposed husbandry practices.